Why lamp collections & recycling should be free

WEEE compliance explained and why lamp recycling should be free.

FREE lamp recyclingWEEE compliance and WEEE recycling explained

The WEEE regulations were introduced to the UK 10 years ago with the sole purpose of producers taking responsibility for recycling electronic equipment at the end of its life. This concept is referred to as Extended Producer Responsibility*.

In the UK there are around 35 WEEE compliance schemes all operating different business models. Recolight’s operating model is unique for WEEE lighting. Our producer scheme members pay a small fee to Recolight for each lighting unit they place on the UK market.

Operating as non-profit, funds received are used to provide a free lamp and luminaire collection and recycling service.

At Recolight we still come across many collectors of business waste lamps that are being charged for their recycling.  All too often, they are not aware that under the WEEE regulations, they should be able to access a free recycling service, funded by lamp producers.

Benefits to electricals wholesalers

Electrical wholesale businesses who choose to be an open collection point can benefit from Recolight’s industry expertise. Open collection points are listed on the Recolight online collection point map, which makes their lamp recycling service and wholesale business visable to other companies.

The Recolight free lamp collection service

The Recolight lamp collection service includes free collection and recycling, and free consignment notes. For quantities over 1000 lamps each quarter, we also provide a free container. We offer a container lease option for those who collect less than 1000 lamps.

We offer small containers for transporting lamps between your sites.

Have a look at our pages for Business Lamps Recycling to see how we can help you reduce your recycling costs.


* Refer to Recolight Glossary for EPR definition

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