- , EV and Test & Measurement. Highlights from @TrimbleCorpNews, @JTLTraining, @Recolight, @BEGLuxomat, @DilogGroup and many more. Front cover
- : Recolight announces two Lighting LCA training events @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolight #
- . Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #NetZero #sustainabilty #Recolight @Recolight
- . Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight #training #workshop @Recolight
- . Register here: Thank you to supporters and exhibitors @TheILP , @Recolight , @lighting_IA
- ‘ to our wonderful sponsors, @UnthaUK, @CIWM, @AluproUK and @Recolight, without whom the Resource Hot 100 could not have happened. See you
- ‘The whole industry needs to change’
- ‘We’ll only specify lights with environment certs’ – Arup UK chief
- ‘Avalanche’ of green regs to hit lighting industry
- ‘Beast’ of a chandelier is upgraded with LED
- ‘Bridgerton’ house reuses luminaires
- ‘Consider impact of big shows’, says LUG
- ‘Easier to sell new lights, even with a higher price’
- ‘Find data on modules and drivers’ urge environmental experts
- ‘Give us used lights for our new office’, says JLL
- ‘It’s a lie that we can’t balance people and carbon’ says top designer
- ‘Liquid windows’ could help buildings save energy
- ‘Reuse our stand’, exhibitor asks its visitors
- ‘Systemic change’ needed in lighting industry to adopt circular economy principles
- ‘There’s still a stigma with reused luminaires’
- ‘Time to tackle online markets for luminaires’ say recyclers
- “Manufacturers need to be knowledgeable” Interview with Marci Song
- “We’re seeing harder to achieve metrics across the Middle East”
- @ElecConNews @Recolight Lighting makers share the 411 on slashing carbon? Now we’re plugging into the right socket! Let’s make #NetZero
- @ElecConNews @Recolight Lighting makers share the 411 on slashing carbon? Now we’re plugging into the right socket! Let’s make #NetZero
- @OneClickLCA and @Recolight collaboration offers software and guidance for lighting manufacturers to meet sustainability demands. Read more
- @Recolight announce a new webinar, and one day face to face training workshop, both focused on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which is gaining
- @Recolight launches one-off EPD service for lighting manufacturers! A fast, cost-effective way for lighting manufacturers to create their
- @Recolight launches one-off EPD service for lighting manufacturers! A fast, cost-effective way for lighting manufacturers to create their
- #lighting #lightingnews #collaboration #highlights #commitment #decarbonising #lightingindustry @Recolight
- 10 exhibitors not to miss at Light + Building
- 10 reasons DC grids may be the answer
- 10 US States Commit to LEDs
- 100-year-old pendants re-used in church project
- 12 luminaires from the future
- 16,000 free lighting products hit the Reuse Hub
- 2,700 luminaires are reused in co-working space
- 20,000 luminaires are reused at training institute
- 200 luminaires are reused at City livery company
- 2013 lamp recycling hits all time high
- 2013 lamp recycling hits all time high
- 2016 recycling rate jumps ahead for lamps & luminaires
- 2018 Conference reconfirms EucoLight commitment to making the Circular Economy a reality for lighting
- 2019 EucoLight Conference adopts positions on eco-modulation and online non-compliance
- 2024 Resource Hot 100: Innovator of the Year
- 25 kilometres of aluminium are saved in luminaire upgrade
- 29 million LED lights go to landfill
- 3D printed luminaires are biodegradable
- 3D printing firm will buy back its downlights
- 5 things manufacturers can do to help us – by recyclers
- 500th trip for lighting exec who lets train take the strain
- 836 luminaires are reused at iconic Barcelona market
- 9 out of 10 collection points would recommend Recolight
- 95% of lighting products bought online are non-compliant – survey
- A review of Circular Lighting Live 2023
- Abu Dhabi first to target light spill
- Accolades for Recolight’s Lighting Product Design for a Circular Economy workshop
- Acuity Brands commits to Net Zero
- Adrianna Barr | “Minimum power densities force lighting designers to address the actual energy use”
- Aecom backs One Click LCA
- All lamp producers should offer free lamp recycling, according to Facilities Managers
- All luminaires at Everton stadium to have replaceable parts
- An update on the changes to the WEEE Directive
- Andrew Bissell ‘Creating environmental reports can take up to five days’
- Announcing Circular Lighting Live
- Announcing Circular Lighting Live 23
- Announcing The Remanufacturing Lighting Conference
- Any idea what’s the best environmental mark?
- AphaLED reuses 214 luminaires at Volve dealership
- AphaLED reuses 214 luminaires at Volvo dealership
- April event will focus lighting manufacturers on cutting carbon
- Architects should ‘design out’ lighting
- Artelea is first Zumtobel’s first luminaire to be Cradle-to-Cradle certified
- Artemide system used recycled materials
- Artemide uses wood waste to create pendant
- Artificial light deadly for caterpillars, say scientists
- Arup and Regen Initiative reuse lights at Manchester office
- Award for firm behind lights made from fishing nets
- Award for lights made from fishing nets
- Ayca Donaghy ‘A remanufactured product must be every bit as compliant as the original one’
- BDP reuses 350 lights from London fit-out in Cambridge building
- Be bright, recycle your light
- Bell Lighting is carbon neutral
- Bell makes fire-rated downlight to circular economy principles
- Bertie Bulb lighting the way at the Lord Mayor’s Show
- Bertie goes on tour
- Beyond Carbon: Holistic Sustainability Metrics in Lighting
- Big brands back Circular Lighting Live 2023
- Big brands back Circular Lighting Live 2024
- Big brands back Circular Lighting Live 2024
- Big brands reuse stands at Frankfurt
- Big changes coming for waste documentation
- Big changes to the WEEE Regulations
- Big WEEE changes are on their way
- Bioplastic is TP(a) and TP(b) compliant
- Bioplastic lights are made with agricultural byproducts
- Bioplastics in retail lighting to be explored in webinar
- Bluewater reuses iconic lights on its mall
- Boost your expertise in lighting LCAs with @Recolight! 30 Jan – Free LCA webinar featuring industry experts. 19 Mar – Hands-on LCA
- Boost your expertise in lighting LCAs with @Recolight! 30 Jan – Free LCA webinar featuring industry experts. 19 Mar – Hands-on LCA
- BRE reuses all luminaires in major upgrade
- BS8887 | Recolight welcome new code of practice for lighting remanufacture
- Call for more and better Extended Producer Responsibility at NIC workshop
- Call to the end of WEEE evidence trading
- Calls for non-compliance by online retailers to be addressed in Waste Directive
- Cambridge City Council makes lamp recycling more convenient in partnership with Recolight
- Cambridge Uni upgrades street lights
- Campaign aims to stop waste lighting from Cat A fit outs
- Canada bans fluorescents
- Car park lights are recycled into new luminaires
- Carbon results 68% higher with TM65 than LCA, study finds
- Cat A office luminaires are re-used in training college
- Cathedral lights are upgraded in mobile workshop
- Ceiling lighting system is made from recycled material
- CEO calls for free lamp recycling for all collectors of waste lamps
- challenges of recycling LED lamps
- Chandeliers are reused at Leeds Town Hall
- Change to EEE reporting categories
- Changes in classification of lighting equipment as B2B or B2C
- Changes to consignment notes on 1 April 2016
- Charities offered free of charge low energy lighting equipment by industry body
- China mulls minimum energy standards for LEDS
- Chocolate chain reuses vintage lights
- Choosing the right container for waste lamps, light fittings, batteries and electricals
- Church lighting refurb proves you can have it all
- Cibse plans lighting version of TM65
- Cibse releases lighting version of TM65
- circular economy? Find out more: #circulareconomy #sustainability #lightfittings #recolight
- Circular lighting approach to the expansion of Wimbledon tennis
- Circular lighting initiatives recognised
- Circular Lighting Live 2023: Reuse of luminaires goes mainstream
- Circular Lighting Live 2023: Programme unveiled
- Circular Lighting Live 2024
- Circular Lighting Live 2024 addresses sustainability in lighting
- Circular Lighting Live 2024: Backing up environmental claims with data
- Circular Lighting Live 2024: Lighting industry backs its environmental claims with data
- Circular Lighting Live 2024: Lighting industry backs its environmental claims with data
- Circular Lighting Live 24: Programme unveiled
- Circular Lighting Live: keynote speaker named
- Circular lighting projects triumph at 2023 Build Back Better Awards
- Circularity ‘embedded’ in office project
- City of London adopts light pollution initiative
- City of London and Recolight partner to bring free lamp recycling to residents
- City of London signs up to light pollution pledge
- claims with data Find out more: #lightingindustry #lightingsector #sustainability #recolight
- Coming to a city near you: the lamp post tree
- Commercial Lighting Systems expands solar roof
- Concept downlight shows how to be circular
- Consequences of failing to comply with the WEEE Regulations
- Consultation on proposed amendments to the 2013 WEEE Regulations – Amendments to the UK WEEE system
- Consultation on proposed amendments to the 2013 WEEE Regulations – Open Scope
- Consultation on proposed amendments to the 2013 WEEE Regulations – Post implementation review
- Consultation summary – Reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system
- Contractors ‘need no paperwork’ for waste lighting
- Control firm Jung gets Cradle to Cradle certification
- Coventry school achieves 97% efficiency with DC PoE power
- Coverage following reforms to electrical waste regulations
- CU Phosco luminaires hit a TM66 score of 2.9
- Customers should require luminaire suppliers to arrange waste recycling
- Dan Weissman interview: How “perception-based” lighting can deliver sustainability
- Danish firm specialises in keeping lights in the ceiling
- Date and venue named for Circular Lighting Live 2023
- Death of the payback calculator?
- Defra extends WEEE regulation to include online marketplaces
- Delegated User Arrangements
- Delta Light creates luminaires from offcuts of aluminium profiles
- Design students share ideas on using lighting waste
- Designer unveils electricity-free light
- Designers gather to agree format for environmental data
- Designplan cuts packaging by 77%
- Destruction of unsold lights escapes ban
- Digital Product Passports for luminaires on the cards
- Distributor take back scheme explained
- Disturbing EU-wide scale of WEEE non-compliance through online marketplaces
- Domestic light fittings and the WEEE regulations
- Don’t make green claims law onerous, says manufacturers
- Downlights are made with plant polymers
- Dual Use – for a fairer WEEE system
- Dual use WEEE lighting classification explained at LIA Technical Forum
- DW Windsor unveils sustainability initiative
- EA data shows Recolight is UK’s fastest growing WEEE Scheme in 2015
- Each light set to get a passport
- EcoAlly shows commitment to recycling lighting
- Ecopassports: Latest lighting rules unveiled
- EcoVadis, B Corp or Planet Mark? How to choose a green rating
- Egg Lighting commits to repair and reuse
- Egg remanufactures lights at Kelvingrove bandstand
- EGG unveils panel designed for remanufacture
- Embrace remanufacturing, says Tamlite
- End-of-life luminaires: Taking our responsibilities seriously | a panel discussion
- Environment Agency reduces waste red tape for Wholesalers and Contractors
- EPR Club Debate recommends new legal requirements in WEEE/Waste legislation to tackle online free riders
- Erco receives EcoVadis silver
- Erco spotlight designed for 75,000 hour life
- Erco: Time to rethink lighting design
- Erco’s latest product: honey!
- EU consults on waste regs
- EU set to make carbon assessment of buildings mandatory
- EU to send 30 million LED lamps to Ukraine
- EucoLight – influencing the WEEE lighting agenda in Europe
- EucoLight announces webinar on EPR non-compliance through online marketplaces: the state of play
- EucoLight cautiously welcomes the Commission’s Circular Economy Package
- EucoLight Conference 2022 in Leuven
- EucoLight conference for lighting WEEE Producer Compliance Schemes
- EucoLight conference highlights challenges faced for WEEE lighting
- EucoLight conference: Evasion of environmental, legal and financial producer obligations through online retail platforms
- EucoLight congratulates EU publication of Circular Economy Package and inclusion of minimum requirements for Extended Producer Responsibility
- EucoLight delivers for lighting WEEE in 2015
- EucoLight elects new Board of Directors
- EucoLight Members reaches two billion recycled lamps across Europe
- EucoLight study discovers technical method for automated detection of types of waste lamps
- EucoLight survey shows consumers struggle to identify different types of waste lamps
- EucoLight webinar spotlights the latest developments in Member States to prevent WEEE non-compliance through online marketplaces
- EucoLight welcomes new Member, Appliances Recycling SA
- Europe’s right to repair law to change luminaire design
- Event Horizon September 30-October 4
- Everest trek inspires sustainability concept
- Everest trek inspires sustainability concept
- Everyman Cinemas specify reused lights
- Everyman Cinemas specify reused lights
- evolution of LEDs in EEE & WEEE
- EW December – Budgets and boilers
- Excitement mounts over carbon-free aluminium
- Experts prepare next version of TM66
- Experts publish guide on light pollution
- Experts unveil ideas to tackle waste from Cat A lighting
- Explained: Your obligations under the waste regs
- Extended Producer Responsibility: what it means to you. JTA event explains background, the changes and next steps
- Facade lighting project is net zero
- Facility managers to get dedicated TM66
- Fagerhult in pilot project to reuse aluminium
- Fagerhult luminaire reuses reflectors from old TV sets
- Fagerhult replaces fossil plastics with bio alternatives
- Fagerhult’s net-zero plan gets thumbs up
- Fashion retailer specifies 3D and bio spotlights
- Festive fireworks ‘could be replaced with light displays’
- Firm uses AI and waste plastic to print ‘works of art’
- Firms team up to 3D print lamps
- First EucoLight conference looks at Circular Economy and LED recycling
- First local authority installs solar hybrid lights
- FIS Project Reuse: Making circularity happen
- Fit-out industry’s reuse initiative to include lights
- Five steps to help you manage your WEEE: from storing lamps through to the paper work
- Flos joins ultra-minimal trend with stark table lamp
- Focus Lighting introduces ‘take back’ plan for its luminaires
- for lighting producers announced @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #lighting #workshop #recolight #london
- for lighting remanufacture. Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight @Recolight
- Free of charge recycling of waste lamps
- Free Of Charge Waste Lamp Recycling
- Free Riders and impact on EPR model to be discussed at The International Stewardship Forum in Paris
- French firm unveils ‘technical’ luminaires made from waste wood
- French firm unveils wood downlight
- French firm unveils wood downlight
- French start-up set to commercialise bioluminescence
- Future Designs offers EPDs for its core luminaire ranges
- Future Designs says its remanufacturing initiative is set to double
- Future Designs says its remanufacturing initiative is set to double
- Future Designs unveils ‘carbon careful’ strategy
- Gail’s use 3D printed bio lights
- Gail’s use 3D printed bio lights
- Germany bans lighting of buildings after 10pm
- Glamox net-zero plan approved
- Glamox remanufactures 25-year-old luminaires for Oslo hospital
- Glamox revamps packaging to cut carbon
- Glamox switches to recycled aluminium
- Glamox unveils bird-friendly luminaires
- Glamox unveils bird-friendly luminaires
- Glenn Christie of Tungsram Lighting joins Recolight Board
- Global fluorescent lamp ban edges closer
- Going circular is ‘our toughest test’ – top designer
- Government announces WEEE regulations decisions and signals move to tackle non-compliance of online marketplaces
- Government clarify how the WEEE regulations affect lighting equipment – particularly LED modules.
- Government consults on waste packaging changes that could increase costs ten-fold
- Government publishes amendment to the WEEE regulations (SI 2018 No. 1214)
- Government WEEE consultation – Recolight collating lighting industry responses
- Govt action needed to drive circularity say designers
- Grand Hotel in Birmingham reuses luminaires
- Great Repeal Bill
- Green packaging rules must be consistent, says LightingEurope
- Green plastics hit the lighting industry
- guidance for lighting manufacturers on Life Cycle Assessments & Environmental Product Declarations. @recolight Find out more:
- Gyms roll-out features 3D-printed luminaires
- Heatherwick reuses spotlights at London studio
- Helicopter factory leases lights and cuts carbon by 725 tonnes
- Heritage lights are reused at town hall refurb
- Holophane flagship luminaire achieves ‘excellent’ circularity
- Holophane unveils sustainability plan
- Home of Wallace and Gromit to host sustainable lighting event
- Household luminaire producers – get ready for WEEE compliance
- Household luminaire producers – get ready for WEEE compliance
- Household Luminaires – get WEEE ready
- How can the lighting industry become Net Zero?
- How can wholesalers get involved with the circular economy?
- How I turned teenagers’ trash into designer chandeliers
- How sustainability is changing the lighting designer’s role
- How TM66 and 65 is kick-starting our journey to cut carbon
- How to dispose of your waste electrical & electronic items responsibly
- How to get a better TM66
- How to integrate recycled metals into lighting
- How to read an EPD: guide is published
- How to read an EPD: OneClick explains its reports
- How to tell the mileage of a driver
- How top lighting brands are going green
- #lighting #lightignews #Recolight #NetZero #lightingconference #sustainability #assessments @Recolight
- IALD chief, Christopher Knowlton: Why we changed our ethics
- iGuzzini publishes PEP ecopassports of products
- iGuzzini unveils luminaires made from linen
- Impact of Waste Packaging Consultation on Lighting Producers
- In support of the WEEE Directive
- in the circular economy. Read more about Sophie Walker’s work here: Thank you to our category sponsor, @Recolight.
- Industry calls on all lamp producers to offer free lamp recycling
- Industry first as post-consumer plastic unveiled for lighting diffusers
- Industry looks to bioplastics
- Industry responds to draft standard for remanufacturing
- Industry revises rules for EPDs
- Insurance firm reuses lights
- International E-waste day powered by WEEE Forum
- Introducing Max Robson
- Introducing the Recolight Circular Economy programme for 2023
- IntroducingThe Circular Lighting Report
- Introduction to WEEE Regulations and Open Scope
- Invitation to EucoLight conference: Actions to stop illegal free-riding through online-platforms
- Invitation to EucoLight workshop discussing non-compliance of online marketplaces
- Ireland recycles record number of lamps
- its environmental claims with data @Recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolight #circularlightinglive #
- Joel Smedberg | The man who turns waste computer screens into lights
- Jonathan Rush | ‘We want data from manufacturers’
- JTA welcomes strong support for WEEE reform
- Key changes to WEEE regulations
- Kuldeep Vali interview | Meet the man who prints lights from waste bottles using AI
- Lamp cuts emissions by a third
- Lamp launches circular lighting service
- Lamp or luminaire? New product class targets upgrades
- LAMP publishes environmental info for its luminaires
- Lamps are fragile, please treat with care
- Laser breakthrough holds promise of lighter optics
- Latest version of LEED to focus on embodied carbon
- Law firm saves 56 tonnes of steel by reusing 22,000 lights
- LCA and EPD workshop for lighting producers
- LCA and WPD workshop for lighting producers
- Learn about your WEEE obligations & recycling at LuxLive 2018
- LED End-of-Life Questions: What happens when it’s time for an upgrade or replacement?
- LED It Be | Editor’s Viewpoint
- LEDFlex rolls out TM66 across its product ranges
- LEDs and the WEEE regulations
- Ledvance launches lamps with recycled plastics
- Ledvance study says focus on use of lights
- Ledvance unveils a circular lighting brand
- Legislative solutions to prevent non-compliant sales through online marketplaces
- Leisure centre reuses lights from another venue
- Lessons from the ‘greenest Olympics ever’
- LETI unveils spec guide
- LIA and Recolight Announce Net Zero Lighting Conference
- LIA in crunch talks with Govt over 120lm/W rule
- LIA, Recolight team up with net zero event for manufacturers
- Light is made from wool and recycled bottles
- Light made from vapes highlights our waste culture
- Light pollution needs regulation, say Lords
- Light Projects Evolve backs Circular Lighting Live 2024
- Light Projects unveils remanufacturing division
- Light Projects unveils remanufacturing division
- Lightgraphix introduces replaceable modules
- LightGraphix publishes TM65, TM66 for its top products
- Lighting & the Circular Economy webinar summary
- Lighting and the Circular Economy
- Lighting and the Circular Economy – Webinar 14 July
- Lighting and the Circular Economy – Webinar 28 May
- Lighting and the Circular Economy Conference
- Lighting and the Circular Economy webinar – moving towards a sustainable industry
- Lighting and the Circular Economy webinars- announcing new dates
- Lighting as a Director. Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight @Recolight
- Lighting at flagship office uses 3W per square metre
- Lighting design practice is first to set TM66 target
- Lighting designer and sustainability pioneer Kevan Shaw
- Lighting Education Trust focuses on sustainability
- Lighting firm gives refurbed Cat A fittings to charity
- Lighting firm installs 2,000 solar panels
- Lighting firms go big on solar – but is it the best use of cash?
- Lighting firms to buy back lights
- Lighting for a Circular Economy – LUX Awards 2018
- Lighting industry backs its environmental claims with data
- Lighting industry broadly welcomes Ecodesign legislation
- Lighting Industry gears for growth in remanufacturing
- Lighting Industry starts progress towards a Circular Economy
- Lighting industry to ‘cut through greenwash and make a genuine impact on sustainability issues’ at ILP event
- Lighting key growth at China’s sustainable expo
- Lighting makers fight ban on polystyrene
- Lighting manufacturers to share insights on cutting carbon
- Lighting manufacturers to share insights on cutting carbon
- Lighting manufacturers to share insights on cutting carbon at Net Zero Lighting 2025 conference
- Lighting retrofits to be covered by new UK building standard
- Lighting Specifiers – do your bit for recycling
- Lighting Workshops Quantifying Sustainable Resilience
- Lighting Workshops: Facilitating remanufacturing and quantifying the benefits
- Lighting’s replaceable future | Panel discussion
- Lighting’s 10 leading remanufacturers
- Lighting’s replaceable future – an online panel discussion
- LightingEurope backs PEP ecopassports
- LightingEurope says Euro vote a ‘missed opportunity’ on materials
- Lights earmarked for reuse in London project
- Lights reused in major refurb at food court
- Linear lights are made from reclaimed oak
- LIVE SECTOR REACTIONS: Defra extends WEEE regulations
- London Centre reuses luminaires in lighting upgrade
- London this April! The Net Zero Lighting 2025 Conference, from @Recolight, will explore: ✅ Carbon reduction strategies ✅ Sustainability
- London this April! The Net Zero Lighting 2025 Conference, from @Recolight, will explore: ✅ Carbon reduction strategies ✅ Sustainability
- Low carbon mini spot delivers 150 luminaire lumens/Watt
- Low-waste light gets ‘excellent’ TM66 rating
- Luceco joins carbon disclosure scheme
- Lucent is climate neutral
- Lucent Lighting’s global operations director Lucie Sidwell “Retail is the worst for lighting waste”
- Lug achieves Platinum EcoVadis rating
- Lug achieves Platinum EcoVadis rating
- LumiAdd explores coffee grounds as material for spotlights
- Lumiadd unveils pendants printed from plant polymers
- Lumiadd unveils pendants printed from plant polymers
- Luminaire design for a circular economy | Panel discussion
- Luminaire designers gather for circular workshop
- Luminaire is made from bio-polycarbonate
- Luminaire lens are made from recycled plastic
- Luminaires are reused at Holyroodhouse
- Luminaires at Brent Cross Shopping Centre are remanufactured
- Luminaires at Brent Cross Shopping Centre are remanufactured
- Lux Live 2013 – a reflection
- Lyktan unveils ‘fossil fuel free’ pendant made with hemp
- Maida Hot interview ‘There’s still a stigma with reused luminaires’
- Major stage in fluorescent phase out begins
- Managing your lamp container and collections
- Manufacturers should publish ‘like for like’ data says LightingEurope.
- Manufacturers should publish ‘like for like’ data says LightingEurope.
- Marks & Spencer to reuse lights at Oxford Street flagship
- Martin de Jager appointed Chair of Recolight board of directors
- Massive solar expansion at Thorlux HQ
- Maurice Spee of Signify appointed chair of Recolight board of directors
- Max Robson Recolight to unveil a LCA and EPD service
- Mayor approves environmental measures at Thorlux
- McDonald’s rolls out 3D printed lights
- Meet Lyndsey, Recolight’s Customer Service Manager
- Meet Lyndsey, Recolight’s Customer Service Manager
- Meet the light made from a food dish
- Meet the lights made from beach plastic
- Meet the lights made from mushrooms
- Meet the luminaire made of wood, wool and hemp
- Meet the team |
- Meet the UK’s leading lighting reconditioner
- Meet the wooden downlight
- Meet the wooden downlight
- Membership of the Recolight WEEE compliance scheme
- Menswear brand uses 3D-printed bio lights
- Methane-killing UV lights ‘an opportunity for lighting industry’
- Microprisms are made from 90% recycled acrylic
- Mike Attard interview ‘Apple has been reconditioning products for years, why not us?’
- Mike Collett | “If you don’t measure it, it doesn’t happen”
- Mike Collett | “If you don’t measure it, it doesn’t happen”
- Mitie reuses luminaires at The Mound
- Mobile lamp crushing
- Modest increases for lamp and luminaire recycling rates in 2017
- Modular downlight is made from recycled materials
- Modular downlight takes circular economy prize
- More than just lamp recycling
- Nano optics ‘a step change’ in luminaire sustainability
- National approaches to prevent non-compliant sales through online marketplaces
- National lamp recycling target likely to increase
- Net Zero Lighting 2024: Programme unveiled
- Net Zero Lighting conference @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolight #netzerolightingconference #
- Net Zero Lighting conference: More speakers announced
- Net Zero Lighting Conference: Companies must adopt a holistic approach
- Net Zero Lighting conference: More speakers announced
- New appointment to Recolight board of directors @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolight #
- New appointments to Recolight Board of Directors
- New appointments to Recolight Board of Directors
- New Code of Practice Alert! @Recolight explains how BS8887:221 2024 supports sustainability & boosts confidence in remanufactured
- New lighting products in scope of WEEE Regulations
- New lighting regulations
- New Recolight initiatives to avoid unnecessary recycling in lighting
- NG Bailey targets Net Zero
- NHS unveils plan to decarbonise lighting
- Nigel Harvey joins Extinction Rebellion protests
- Nigel Harvey to discuss WEEE recast at Rushlight
- Nigel Harvey to present at Parliamentary Sustainability Group event: Key principles of Extended Producer Responsibility
- Nigel Harvey to speak on WEEE changes at euroLED
- Nigel Harvey, CEO of Recolight named Lux Person of the Year 2012 at the annual Lux Awards.
- Noise dampening luminaire is made from plastic bottles
- Non-compliant products bought at online marketplaces: a serious issue all over Europe
- Non-compliant sales through online marketplaces | EucoLight Webinar
- NVC cuts plastic packaging
- NVC goes carbon neutral
- NVC unveils 1,500 EPDs for its luminaires
- NVC unveils 1,500 EPDs for its luminaires
- OECD report confirms the large scale of WEEE non-compliance through online marketplaces
- Office luminaire gets latest Cradle-to-Cradle cert
- One Click LCA and Recolight collaborate on carbon transparency tools
- One Click LCA and Recolight partner for carbon transparency
- One Click LCA is updated to RICS spec
- One Click LCA partners with Recolight
- One Click LCA partners with Recolight @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #lighting #WEEE #WEEEcompliance #
- One Click LCA partners with Recolight to power embodied carbon transparency in UK lighting industry
- One Click LCA partners with Recolight to power embodied carbon transparency in UK lighting industry
- One day LCA and EPD workshop for lighting producers
- One day LCA and EPD workshop for lighting producers
- One day LCA and WPD workshop for lighting producers
- Online firms ‘can dodge EU green laws’
- Online marketplaces criticised for allowing WEEE non-compliance to flourish
- Online Sales of Non-Compliant Products – EucoLight Workshop brings together leading European Associations to highlight the scale of the problem
- Online sellers should be legally required to take on the duties of “producer” under the WEEE directive
- Open scope – what it is, when it might happen, and why it is important for the lighting industry
- Open scope and the WEEE Regulations
- Options for a new WEEE system
- Organisers unveil plans for Circular Lighting Live 2025
- Orluna unveils ‘circular downlight’
- Oz embraces 3D printed luminaires
- Packaging lights: How to cut its environmental impact
- Paul Beale | Waste luminaires: My journey to connect the dots
- Pendant achieves a TM66 of 2.6
- Pendants are 3D printed to order
- Pendants lights made from pasta
- Period lights upgraded at school
- Phos is B Corp certified
- POPs in WEEE
- Prepare for fluorescent lamp ban, trade warned
- Press statement
- Producers welcome the Government’s WEEE consultation
- Proud to be a @Recolight Member! Ensuring WEEE compliance and easy recycling of lights ♻️ With 29M+ lights ending up in UK landfills yearly,
- Providing more than just WEEE compliance
- Put yourself at the forefront of the sustainable lighting revolution
- Q3 lamp recycling data could lead to higher WEEE costs
- Rachel Hoolahan ‘Why can’t lighting manufacturers warranty other brands?’
- Raising consumer awareness for WEEE recycling
- Recasting the WEEE Directive
- Recessed bio spotlight is world first
- Recolight – celebrating a decade of success
- Recolight – celebrating a decade of success
- Recolight analysis shows high recycling rate in luminaires
- Recolight analysis suggests LED lamps that may breach WEEE regs, sold through online retailers, represent 20% of UK total lamp sales.
- Recolight announce a new One-Off EPD Service
- Recolight announce a new One-Off EPD Service
- Recolight announce a new one-off EPD service. Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight #EPDservice @
- Recolight announce Circular Economy webinars for 2022
- Recolight announce Circular Economy webinars for 2023
- Recolight announce record Membership growth for WEEE compliance
- Recolight announce record new member growth for WEEE compliance
- Recolight announce two essential Lighting LCA training events
- Recolight announce two essential Lighting LCA training events
- Recolight announce two essential Lighting LCA training events #LightingIndustry #RecolightTrainingEvents #lighting #
- Recolight announce two essential Lighting LCA training events. Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight #
- Recolight announces new One-Off EPD Service
- Recolight announces One-Off EPD Service @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolighting #epd #
- Recolight announces two essential Lighting LCA training events
- Recolight announces two Lighting LCA training events @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolight #
- Recolight applaud the lighting industry’s adoption of a circular economy
- Recolight appoints Francesca Cameron to develop the Recolight network
- Recolight appoints new Board Members
- Recolight appoints new Operations Manager
- Recolight appoints new Operations Manager
- Recolight appoints two new Chair and board members
- Recolight are pleased to have been instrumental in the establishment of the new WEEE PCS Balancing System, or PBS.
- Recolight are set to host a workshop on 27 November in London for lighting manufacturers, covering LCAs, EPDs, data requirements, and
- Recolight at RWM to encourage public sector to save money through free lamp recycling
- Recolight calls on local authorities to help increase CFL recycling
- Recolight calls on the public sector to make cost savings through free lamp recycling
- Recolight celebrates 300 Million recycling milestone by launching extended service offering
- Recolight celebrates a milestone 200 million lamps recycled
- Recolight celebrates a record year and looks towards the future at annual summer event
- Recolight Celebrates a year of Circular activity
- Recolight celebrates another successful and dynamic year for the lighting industry
- Recolight celebrates milestone of 150 members
- Recolight celebrates record membership growth
- Recolight celebrates recycling third of a billion lamps
- Recolight celebrates six years of growth
- Recolight CEO discusses implications of Brexit for Lighting Industry at LuxLive
- Recolight CEO Nigel Harvey explains his principled stand for action on the climate emergency
- Recolight collects lighting industry data for Defra
- Recolight collects lighting industry views regarding possible change to the WEEE regulations
- Recolight Compliance Scheme Member satisfaction hits a high
- Recolight compliance scheme member satisfaction is high
- Recolight creates ‘hierarchy’ graphic to aid decision making with lighting
- Recolight criticises Environment Agency WEEE charging announcement
- Recolight encourages Local Authorities to return commercial waste lamps to HWRCs
- Recolight expands free of charge lamp recycling services
- Recolight gives update on sustainability initiatives
- Recolight has recycled more lighting than all UK compliance schemes
- Recolight highlights of 2013
- Recolight launch “game-changing” Reuse Hub to increase reuse and reduce waste
- Recolight launches integrated WEEE luminaire and lamp compliance service at LuxLive
- Recolight launches integrated WEEE luminaire and lamp compliance service at LuxLive
- Recolight looks forward to new WEEE system
- Recolight named Recycling and Waste Management Business of the Year at the National Recycling Awards
- Recolight partners with Tewkesbury Borough Council for light bulb recycling
- Recolight prepares for the Recycling and Waste Management exhibition
- Recolight prepares to attend LuxLive 2015
- Recolight presents at European seminar to raise concerns about WEEE compliance of online retailers
- Recolight publishes advice on classification of lighting equipment as B2B or B2C under the WEEE regulations.
- Recolight publishes guide to Household Luminaires and WEEE Open Scope
- Recolight raising awareness of free lamp recycling at the Facilities Show
- Recolight reiterates the importance of WEEE compliance at LuxLive 2015
- Recolight selected as finalist for the National Recycling Awards
- Recolight sets ambitious goal to be net zero carbon by 2030
- Recolight shortlisted for Awards for Excellence in Recycling
- Recolight shortlisted for National Recycling Awards
- Recolight Shortlisted for the Sustainability Leaders Awards
- Recolight spearheads the circular economy for the lighting industry
- Recolight support development of lamp treatment standards
- Recolight support Government’s proposed 2017 UK lamp recycling target
- Recolight supports foundation of new European trade association of WEEE lighting compliance schemes, EucoLight
- Recolight teams up with carbon experts to help firms get to net zero
- Recolight tender for WEEE lamp treatment is open
- Recolight tender for WEEE lamp treatment is open
- Recolight to host training and advice workshop on LCAs and EPDs
- Recolight triumphs at National Recycling Awards
- Recolight unveils LCA and EPD service
- Recolight uses LuxLive 2016 to expand free recycling services
- Recolight Webinar – Life Cycle Assessments for lighting products – Thursday 30 Jan
- Recolight Webinar – Life Cycle Assessments for lighting products – Thursday 30 Jan
- Recolight WEEE experts are here to guide you
- Recolight welcome new code of practice for lighting remanufacture
- Recolight welcome new WEEE Compliance Scheme Members
- Recolight welcome new WEEE Compliance Scheme Members
- Recolight welcome Paul Kilburn of Thorn & Zumtobel Lighting as a Director
- Recolight welcome Paul Kilburn of Thorn & Zumtobel Lighting as a Director
- Recolight welcome ZG’s Paul Kilburn as a Director
- Recolight welcome, and respond to WEEE Consultation
- Recolight welcomes Defra decision to require retailers to collect waste electricals and lamps
- Recolight welcomes Defra move to put Extended Producer Responsibility at heart of waste strategy
- Recolight welcomes Defra online marketplace announcement @recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolight #
- Recolight welcomes Defra online marketplace WEEE announcement
- Recolight welcomes Defra online marketplace WEEE announcement
- Recolight welcomes Defra online marketplace WEEE announcement. Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight #
- Recolight welcomes Defra’s WEEE announcement
- Recolight welcomes environmental audit committee WEEE report recommendations for online marketplaces
- Recolight welcomes final text of the recast WEEE directive
- Recolight welcomes Government consultation on ‘dual use’ products
- Recolight welcomes Government decision on 2018 WEEE lamp collection target
- Recolight welcomes Government plans to stop WEEE non-compliance through online marketplaces
- Recolight welcomes Government support for fairer WEEE system
- Recolight welcomes new code of practice
- Recolight welcomes new code of practice for lighting remanufacture
- Recolight welcomes new Defra proposals to tackle non-compliant product sold through online marketplaces
- Recolight welcomes new director Paul Kilburn
- Recolight welcomes new WEEE Compliance Scheme Members
- Recolight welcomes new WEEE Compliance Scheme Members. Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight #
- Recolight welcomes Paul Kilburn of Thorn & Zumtobel Lighting as a Director
- Recolight welcomes proposed removal of WEEE ‘three month storage’ regulation
- Recolight welcomes recommended recast of WEEE Regulations
- Recolight welcomes scheme membership growth
- Recolight welcomes strong support for WEEE reform
- Recolight welcomes the WEEE consultation responses – press release for the lighting industry
- Recolight welcomes ZG’s Paul Kilburn as a director
- Recolight workshops in Lighting product design for a Circular Economy
- Recolight’s response to Government’s waste review
- Recolight’s CEO to speak at LuxLive 2014 on new WEEE legislation
- Recolight’s new LCA service could help lighting manufacturers gain green advantage
- Recolight’s re-use website wins top award
- Reconditioning service stops lights ending up in skips
- Record year for WEEE compliance Member growth
- Recovered spotlights go on sale
- Recycled Oxford Street lights to add Christmas sparkle
- Recycling GDLs
- Recycling service for Recolight Producer Members
- Recycling targets and the WEEE compliance fee explained
- Remanufacture of 6,000 office lights saves 8 tons of steel
- Remanufactured bulkheads go on sale
- Remanufactured luminaires cut energy by 55% in City office
- Remanufacturing experts to gather for lighting event
- Replaceable GU10s ‘may be better for environment’, says Arup
- Research project launched to recover Gallium from waste LED lamps
- Responsible WEEE recycling by Recolight
- Retailer in LED-for-LED spotlight upgrade
- Retrofit gear tray is magnetic
- Reuse marketplace finds homes for used lights.
- Reuse of lights at hospital saves 40 trees
- Reuse of lights at hospital saves 40 trees
- Reuse of lights at London office leads to 67% cut in costs
- Reuse of lights saves Shell over 70 tonnes of carbon
- Reuse start-up completes a 1,000 luminaire project
- Richard Strode interview | A second life for drivers?
- Rotation-moulded pendants use recycled plastic
- RWM2018 – Talk to Recolight about all things WEEE
- Satisfaction hits record high among Recolight members
- Schneider Electric Named 2025’s Most Sustainable Corporation
- Schneider is the ‘world’s most sustainable corporation’
- Schneider unveils dimmers and switches made from fishermen’s nets
- School is first to upgrade with retrofit LED modules
- Science based targets, EcoVadis, or B Corp?
- Science based targets, EcoVadis, or B Corp?
- Scientists work on bio plastics for lenses
- Scolmore achieves EcoVadis bronze
- Scolmore unveils environmental initiatives
- Scottish Parliament passes landmark Circular Economy Bill
- Selux unveils luminaires with dynamic light distribution
- Shop spotlights are reused at art school
- Shoplight adds to bio-polymer range
- Shoplight offers £12 for used lights in take-back scheme
- Shoplight unveils bio pendant range
- Shoplight unveils spotlight made from plant-based polymers
- Should London’s Victorian gas lamps go LED?
- Signify ‘on track to double its positive impact on environment’
- Signify achieves EcoVadis Platinum
- Signify cuts emissions from phones and laptops
- Signify earns EcoVadis Platinum – again
- Signify gets ‘A’ score for climate change action
- Signify gets highest score in sustainability list
- Signify halves greenhouse gases
- Signify in 3D print collab with top designer
- Signify included in top green benchmark
- Signify makes ‘A list’ of green firms
- Signify pilot recycles light shades
- Signify releases 2,000 EPDs
- Signify reuses luminaires at Dublin Port Tunnel
- Signify SON retrofit takes sustainability to the streets
- Signify to power its operations with wind power
- Signify unveils 210lm/W LED tube
- Signify unveils 650V driver for DC networks
- Signify unveils 650V driver for DC networks
- Signify unveils ambitious Net Zero targets
- Signify unveils high bay printed with bio plastics
- Signify unveils high bay printed with bio plastics
- Signify unveils LED SON-T with record 210 lm/W
- Signify unveils pendant made from water coolers
- Signify unveils pendant range 3D printed from bio plastics
- Signify unveils retail light made from 68% bio plastic
- Signify vows to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 90%
- Signify: We want standardisation in the industry
- Signify: We’re ahead of sustainability target
- Sixties lights are upgraded at Scottish school
- Skanska re-use luminaires at its London HQ
- Skinflint donates 20% to ‘Planet Pay Back’
- Skinflint teams up with sustainable sourcing firm
- SLL is delighted to support the @Recolight Net Zero Lighting Conference 2025 which will take place Tuesday 29th April at Coin Street
- SLL office guide LG7 considers circular economy
- SLL unveils exterior lighting event
- SLL unveils exterior lighting event
- Software company @OneClickLCA has teamed up with @Recolight to drive embodied #carbon transparency in the #UK #lighting industry. The
- Solar lights eliminates need for 2km cable
- Solar lights eliminates need for 2km cable
- Somerset to save £160K with LED upgrade
- South Africa introduces minimum performance for lamps
- Spark and Bell founder Emer Gillespie | Our biggest order was 100% because we were B Corp
- Speakers announced for Recolight Net Zero Lighting conference
- speakers announced. Find out more ➡️ #lighting #lightingnews #Recolight #NetZero @Recolight
- Speakers named for remanufacturing lighting conference
- Speirs Major’s ‘most sustainable project ever’
- St Thomas’ Hospital reuses lights and adds intelligence in major upgrade
- Start-up bio-prints lights to order
- Start-up makes lights from mushrooms
- Start-up rethinks the way luminaires are made
- Steve Meadows appointed to Recolight Board of Directors
- Stoane celebrates double win in King’s Awards
- Stoane Lighting achieves highest B Corp score in industry
- Stoane Lighting appoints sustainability chief
- Stoane Lighting wins King’s Award for sustainability
- Stoane remanufactures spotlight from 1999
- Stoane reuses exhibition stand at LIGHT 24
- Stoane ZTA is first to achieve ‘excellent’ TM66 rating
- Storing waste lamps and electricals during the corona crisis
- Street light achieves ‘excellent’ TM66
- Street light achieves record TM66 rating of 3.1
- Stricter sentencing guidelines for environmental offenders
- Striking 3D printed pendant is made from bioplastic
- Survey of online retailer/fulfilment house
- Survey shows free lamp recycling saves businesses money
- Survey shows lighting business support for Producer Responsibility legislation and Circular Economy
- sustainability credentials To read the full story: #netzero #lighting #netzerolightingconference @Recolight
- Sustainable coffee chain reuses lights
- Sustainable lights win L Prize
- Swedish studio develops lights from kelp
- Synergy Creativ launches reconditioned lighting service
- Tala becomes a B Corp
- Tamlite achieves EcoVadis Bronze for sustainability
- Tamlite achieves silver EcoVadis rating
- Tamlite achieves silver EcoVadis rating
- Tamlite axes 51 tonnes of plastic
- Tamlite is re-awarded Planet Mark
- Tamlite urges action on lighting energy regulations
- The corrosion-proof streetlights made from polyethylene
- The De Minimis – WEEE compliance for small producers
- The folding high bay from waste plastic
- The Government’s WEEE Regulations Announcement
- The lanterns made from waste
- The light made from castor oil
- The lighting industry and the Circular Economy
- The lights made from waste ash
- The LUX Awards for lighting
- The net is closing in for online non-compliance
- The new UK WEEE Regulations
- The Recolight tender process
- The Recolight waste lamp collection service and how it works
- The Recolight WEEE compliance service for lighting producers
- The right container for waste lamps
- The specifier’s role in the circular economy
- The spotlight designed to be circular
- The streetlights made from post-consumer waste
- The third Lighting & the Circular Economy webinar – next steps for the Lighting Industry
- The WEEE regulations – a bit about what is in scope
- The WEEE Regulations and lighting in scope
- The WEEE regulations and Open Scope: Join us at LuxLive to understand what it all means
- The WEEE Regulations have got bigger!
- The WEEE Regulations Six Years On ADD LINKS
- Third Recolight webinar in the Circular Economy series poses more questions
- Thorlux cuts waste in luminaire design
- Thorlux formally commits to 2040 net zero goals
- Thorlux plants its final tree
- Thorlux recycles paint powder coating
- Thorn & Zumtobel Lighting MD joins Recolight as a director
- Thorn & Zumtobel Lighting MD joins Recolight as a director
- Thorn aims for plastic-free packaging
- Thorn commits to climate neutrality by 2025
- Thorn factory recognised for its sustainability
- Thorn halves its water use
- Time running out to comment on 120lm/W rule, industry warned
- Time to scrap Cat A fit-outs, industry told
- TK Maxx HQ features reused and restored pendants
- TM66 scores protected in next edition
- to share insights on cutting carbon @Recolight #electricalcontracting #electricalcontractor #electrician #recolight #lighting #netzero #
- Today’s Top story: @Recolight has welcomed the news that online marketplaces will now be responsible for the WEEE costs of any non-compliant
- Top 10 sustainable lighting brands
- Top design practices back Circular Lighting Live
- Top design practices back Circular Lighting Live
- Top school reuses luminaires in major upgrade
- Top school reuses luminaires in major upgrade
- Tridonic Champions Sustainability with October Events
- Tridonic receives EcoVadis silver medal for sustainability
- Trilux achieves top EcoVadis rating
- Trilux supplies lights for wooden building initiative
- Trilux unveils luminaire that’s 80% recyclable
- Trilux unveils luminaire to tackle Cat A waste
- Trilux unveils moisture-proof light made from recycled plastic
- Trilux upgrades 400 luminaires from fluorescent to LED in City of London
- Trojan goes plastic-free with its packaging
- Trojan Lighting backs Circular Lighting Live 2024
- TRT X-Range achieves ‘excellent’ TM66
- Trump signs order to protect ‘freedom to choose light bulbs’
- Turn off lights, City tells building owners
- UK amidst the top recycling of Lamps in Europe
- UK becomes first in EU to transpose WEEE directive into national law
- UK firm reuses vintage lights in New York bar
- UK firm unveils 3D printed bioplastic downlight
- UK industry unites behind TM66
- UK Lamp recycling rate leaps ahead in 2015
- UK on track to meet 2017 WEEE lamp collection target
- UK remanufacturer expands into Europe
- UK start-up creates lights from clothes hangers
- UK’s biggest remanufacturer announces change at the top
- UK’s first ever sustainability conference for lighting a sell-out success
- Understanding Environmental Metrics: Making Sense of TM66, TM65, LCAs, and EPDs
- Unveiled: The UK’s first circular lighting event
- Upcycled luminaires used on showpiece wooden structure
- Update on achieving the Recolight Net Zero target
- Urban miner keeps used lights in circulation
- UrbanVolt in £19m expansion of low energy lighting and solar
- US firm unveils sustainable luminaire made from wood
- US govt funds sustainable lighting metric
- US increases minimum efficacy of GLS to 120 lm/W
- Wall light is made from 45% recycled aluminium
- Wall light is made from post-consumer plastic
- Warehouse luminaire achieves ‘excellent’ circularity
- Wax diffusers are ‘infinitely recyclable’
- We’re asking clients to use renewable energy for our lighting schemes
- Webinar replay | Number 1 in the Lighting & Circular Economy series
- Webinar Replay | Number 2 in the Lighting & the Circular Economy series
- Webinar summary | Number 2 in Recolight’s Lighting & the Circular Economy series
- WEEE collection services from Recolight
- WEEE compliance – why lamp recycling should be free for end users
- WEEE Compliance & more
- WEEE Compliance and what is in scope of the WEEE Regulations
- WEEE Compliance is about more than ticking a box
- WEEE Conference 2024
- WEEE Consultation
- WEEE Consultation & what to expect
- WEEE non-compliance of LED lamps sold through Amazon raised in Parliamentary committee
- WEEE: mandatory takeback requirements for wholesalers
- WEEE: The JTA Compliance Fee Mechanism
- What 2018 is likely to hold for Recolight, the Lighting Industry and recycling
- What standards are retailers demanding of their lighting?
- What to do with street lights?
- Where next for WEEE?
- Whitecroft publishes EPDs for Mirage 3
- Wholesalers & benefit of offering a WEEE recycling service
- Why do we need a Reuse Hub?
- Why I’m proud to join Recolight, by Ray Molony
- Why lamp collections & recycling should be free
- Why our business model isn’t sustainable, by Rebel Light
- Why waste batteries must be handled with great care
- Why we are now providing luminaire compliance and recycling
- Wila launches ‘upcycling’ service
- Will the growth of Cat A+ cut lighting waste?
- Womenswear brand specifies 3D and bio spotlights
- Wood emergency exit sign uses 30% less carbon
- Work the WEEE system to get FREE lamp recycling
- Workshops reveal how to make a circular luminaire
- World first as London firm prints lights from wood
- World to phase out fluorescent lamps
- XAL unveils 3D printing division
- XAL’s 3D print division unveils range
- Yorkshire school upcycles luminaires
- Yorkshire school upcycles luminaires
- Your obligations under the waste regs
- Zhaga: New standards are ‘key to circularity’
- Zumtobel explores potato packaging
- Zumtobel gets EcoVadis Gold for third time
- Zumtobel Izura wins German sustainability award
- Zumtobel teams up with ABB to create DC ecosystems
- Zumtobel unveils DC version of its Tecton for renewable installs