Circular Lighting Report

Selux unveils luminaires with dynamic light distribution

Selux unveils luminaires with dynamic light distribution

Selux has unveiled a sophisticated technology for its luminaires which can tune the light distribution, colour and intensity according to an integral pre-programmed controller.

It’s believed to be the first exterior light from a major brand to automatically adjust its light distribution during the evening and night.

The company says the science-based Circular Light Profiles are embedded in the driver, obviating the need for a connected control system and simplifying planning and support. The luminaire is delivered ready for use with the intelligence inside the product.

The dynamic light distribution is based on the inter switching of two LED modules, each with a different lens.

Selux gives the example of its Dynamic Ambiance option. This is suited to an urban street with outdoor dining where there is even illumination to the horizontal surface as well as the vertical surfaces of the buildings on either side of the street.

In the later evening, when the businesses have ceased trading, the light distribution can change to a narrower, horizontal-only pattern which shows the way for pedestrians and cyclists and minimises light pollution and light spill into bedrooms.

Colour temperature, colour and intensity are also pre-programmed.

Customers specify the geographical position as this is used to calculate sunrise and sunset times.

The basic profiles are:
Biological White with a dynamic light colour of between 2200K and 3000K and dynamic light intensity

Adjusting White with dynamic light intensity only

Dynamic Ambiance with the dynamic distribution across both vertical and horizontal surfaces as well as dynamic light intensity

Dynamic Path (pictured) with dynamic light distribution between horizontal wide and horizontal narrow.

Biological Red features dynamic light colour from 2700K in the evening to a pure 630-nanometre red overnight to minimise the impact on wildlife such as insects, bats and owls. However, efficacy is low with this option at between 60  lm/Wand 80 lm/W depending on the model.

The Circular Light Profiles technology is available in a wide range of luminaires, including street lights, catenary systems and post tops.

• Don’t miss Circular Lighting Live 2023, Recolight’s flagship conference and exhibition taking place on Thursday 21 September 2023 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. Free to specifiers, Circular Lighting Live 2023 will feature leading experts, specifiers and policy makers who will share their insights into forthcoming standards and legislation, emerging technologies and new business models. For 2023, the organisers have moved to a bigger venue with more expansive exhibition floor and included a dedicated track for lighting designers. More info:

Ray Molony

Recolight Report is an independent guide to the latest developments in sustainable and circular lighting. Learn about the people, products, projects and processes that are shaping our industry’s low carbon future. Plus: explainers on the latest innovations, opinion from thought leaders and video interviews with leading disruptors. Edited by lighting expert, editor and industry figure Ray Molony.