Recolight tender for WEEE lamp treatment is open

Recolight invitation to tender 2022Recolight have opened an Invitation to Tender. This is to suppliers to enter into agreements with Recolight Ltd for the supply of treatment services in respect of gas discharge and LED lamps in full compliance with the requirements of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 (SI  No. 3113) and other relevant legislation.

The Recolight tender model supports our multiple-supplier sourcing policy, with equal and fair consideration for all qualified suppliers. The tender is designed to allow respondents to make offers for the tonnes available for treatment that are produced by the Recolight collection network.

The Recolight tender process

Each respondent is free to make an offer in line with the rules of the tender process.  Unless otherwise advised, financial offers must be made via email in response to the ITT document.

Awards under the tender are made on the basis of both price, and on price criteria (performance, carbon emission reduction, etc.). It is expected that contracts for treatment will be awarded for periods of 1, 2, or 3 years, depending on the offers made.  Detailed conditions of contracts e.g. termination, arbitration etc. are outlined in the draft contract sent out to shortlisted respondents. All offers are subject to final agreement and signing of contracts.

Suitably accredited contractors can request the Invitation to Tender by email from

Indicative timetable for tender
This may be subject to change.

12th January               Release of ITT & Draft contract

4th February               Deadline for submission of ITT responses

18th Feb latest            Finalisation of results and notification to all parties

1st March                    Implementation starts


Recolight Marketing and Communications

The Recolight team can answer any media queries relating to press releases and events at or on 020 8253 9750