Recolight launches integrated WEEE luminaire and lamp compliance service at LuxLive

Recolight at LUXLive 2013

LuxLive 2013

At this year’s LuxLive exhibition, Recolight launched a combined WEEE compliance service for luminaires and lamps, to reflect the market and regulatory changes taking place and to increase the national collection rate for luminaires.

LED luminaires

As lamp and luminaire technologies are converging, luminaires incorporating integrated LED light sources are becoming more commonplace, driving a need for a more integrated approach to waste lamp and luminaire collection. This is even more imperative given that the draft UK WEEE Regulations place luminaires with an integrated LED light source in the same category as lamps.

Increasing recycling rates

Recolight is also committed to increasing the luminaire recycling rate. At Recolight, our goal is to work with our members to dramatically improve the WEEE recycling rate for separately collected luminaires. Building on our success in the collection of waste lamps, which now show a collection rate of 39.5%, we plan to put in place strategies to increase the national recycling rate of separately collected luminaires from its currently very low level of 1%.

Benefits for members and their customers

As the supply of new LED luminaires will very frequently result in the need to collect waste luminaires and waste lamps, our service will provide our members with an important competitive advantage.

We now offer total WEEE compliance for all producers of lighting products. That includes national on-site free of charge collection of waste lamps and waste luminaires for members’ customers, subject to eligibility.

Recolight Marketing and Communications

The Recolight team can answer any media queries relating to press releases and events at [email protected] or on 020 8253 9750
