Recolight celebrates milestone of 150 members

Recolight, the leading UK WEEE compliance scheme for the lighting industry, has announced the signing of its 150th producer member. 17 companies have now joined the scheme since the beginning of the year.
Adrian Willis, Membership Development Manager commented on the news
“Our growing membership allows us to provide unique benefits. Our integrated waste lamp and luminaire collection service helps members and their customers to ensure they are fully compliant with WEEE legislation.
On average, we have achieved an annual compound membership growth of 16% from 2009 to 2014. Recolight’s Producer membership has increased thanks to the support of founder members which include GE lighting, Havells-Sylvania, Osram and Philips”.
Nigel Harvey, Recolight’s Chief Executive, responded to the milestone:
“Reaching 150 members is a real testament to the success that Recolight has achieved in the industry since it started operation in 2007, recycling more lamps, LEDs and luminaires than all other UK WEEE compliance schemes put together.
We are a trusted partner to our members who can be confident that their WEEE compliance is being properly and professionally handled. We enable them to meet their Corporate Social Responsibility targets and legal obligations which require them to take responsibility for collection and recycling of waste that arises.
We are operated by and on behalf of lighting producers which means we are uniquely qualified to provide advice and guidance for our lighting producer members.”