Luminaire designers gather for circular workshop

LUMINAIRE designers from across Europe gathered in London this week for the latest Recolight workshop on product design for a circular economy.
Hosted by industrial designer Simon Fisher of F Mark, the CPD-accredited event explored the design criteria, regulations and standards to help lighting manufacturers apply and demonstrate circular economy principles in product development.
Fisher estimates that 80 per cent of a light fitting’s environmental impact is determined at the design phase.
He told his audience: ’To quote [environmentalist] Ellen MacArthur, “waste is a design flaw; In nature it doesn’t exist”’
The roundtable explored the approaches and techniques to creating lights with long use, repair and upgradeability. Other issues explored included both current and forthcoming European and UK standards and regulations as well as carbon taxation.
Environmental measurement methods such as TM66, TM65, EPDs and other Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) tools were explored. An innovative downlight brought by one of the delegates was used in a full assessment using the TM66 calculator.
The remanufacturing standard BS8887 – Fisher sits on the technical committee – was looked at in depth.
‘It was a thoroughly interesting day and extremely informative,’ said Paul Russ, senior product architect at Concord. ‘It was also great to meet new faces and catch up with old friends.’
The one-day workshops are aimed at technical managers, design and engineering managers, quality managers, compliance engineers, sustainability managers, marketing managers, product managers and others who influence product design.
The roundtables are limited to a maximum of 12 delegates as this gives the opportunity for full interaction, feedback, and questions for each topic.
The course may also be booked as an in-house, single company event. Four courses have been held to date and two are planned for London on Wednesday 19 October 2022 and Tuesday 15 November 2022.
Booking will be open end of June.To reserve your palace, email [email protected]