Learn about your WEEE obligations & recycling at LuxLive 2018

lux live 2018_meet the team on stand K26

The WEEE Regulations are changing – more products are coming into scope

This means that:

  • November 2018
    Producers who up to now have been exempt must join a WEEE Compliance scheme.
  • January 2019
    Producers of household luminairs and lighting accessories will need to start reporting to their WEEE compliance scheme.
  • January 2020
    The Government set a target for recycling of all new products.


open scope and the WEEE regulationsNew Lighting Products in Scope of the WEEE Regulations

Recolight CEO Nigel Harvey will explain the changes in the WEEE regulations at LuxLive. This is at 12pm on Wednesday 14 November in the Tech Theatre at LuxLive 2018. The talk will be available to view on YouTube after the event too.

MORE INFO > Definitive guide on WEEE open scope for the lighting industry

More than just compliance for lighting

Recolight are a Producer Compliance Scheme specialising in lighting. Unlike many UK compliance schemes, Recolight goes beyond it’s legal obligation by providing a free recycling service for end users. To date Recolight has recycled more WEEE lighting that all UK Compliance schemes combined.

Meet the team at LuxLive to learn how you can benefit from Recolight’s services.

Find us on stand K26

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Recolight Marketing and Communications

The Recolight team can answer any media queries relating to press releases and events at info@recolight.co.uk or on 020 8253 9750