JTA welcomes strong support for WEEE reform

Press release issued by the Joint Trade Association

Following the announcement of the Government’s response to the WEEE consultation, the Joint Trade Association (JTA) welcomed the strong support for major reform of the UK WEEE system.

The JTA represents the eight major trade associations in the electrical sector, and four producer owned and led WEEE compliance schemes.

Richard Hughes, Chairman of the JTA, said:  “We are very pleased, although not surprised, at the strong level of support for changing to the WEEE system.  The Government now has a powerful mandate for change.”

He added:  “Of the options put forward by government, option 4 obtained the most support, ranked first by 49% of respondents, and 95% of respondents gave option 3 as either their first or second choice.  Conversely 59% ranked option 1 (do nothing) as their least favoured proposal.”

“Both option 3 and 4 would be a good outcome for all stakeholders. Producers support these options because they remove the “must buy” market for WEEE evidence which is a cause of excessive costs in the current system, and because both options introduce a clear audit trail for WEEE treatment.”

The JTA also welcomed news that 82% of respondents believe that Local Authorities should have the opportunity to take responsibility for WEEE if they can gain value from the recycling.  Any WEEE they do not choose to treat will be collected free of charge by producers.

Richard Hughes said:  “This is right and proper. This is a great way to incentivise and reward Local Authorities for the work they do in WEEE collection.”

Turning to the use of substantiated estimates to assess the total amount of WEEE recycled in the UK,  but which is not recorded within the UK’s formal WEEE system, Mr Hughes commented “The JTA is also pleased that the Government received ‘broad support’ for this approach.  Without it, the extremely ambitious targets in the new Directive would not be achievable.”

Mr Hughes concluded by saying:  “The responses to the consultation show strong convergence.  We now look forward to working with BIS and other stakeholders to finalise the details to ensure timely and effective implementation for the 2014 compliance period.”

About the Joint Trade Associations

The JTA is a grouping of eight leading Trade Associations in the electrotechnical sector, and four Producer owned and led WEEE Producer Compliance Schemes brought together to achieve the common goal of introducing a fairer WEEE system for all stakeholders in the UK.

The Trade Association members of the JTA are AMDEA, BEAMA, EEF, GAMBICA, Intellect, LIA, PETMA and SEAMA.  The WEEE PCS members of the JTA are B2B Compliance, ERP UK, Recolight, and REPIC.  The JTA estimates that its combined membership represents in excess of 90% of all WEEE producer obligation in the UK.

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