How to read an EPD: guide is published

Erco has unveiled a guide to help specifiers and lighting designers read Environmental Product Declarations.
EPD are a standardised and internationally recognised form of environmental labelling for products. EPDs provide detailed information about the environmental impact of a luminaire.
They are focussing on resource consumption, energy consumption and air, soil and water pollution.
They are derived from Life Cycle Assessments (LCA), which consider all stages of the product life cycle including raw material extraction and transport, product manufacturing and delivery including installation, operation, disposal and recycling.
The free downloadable PDF features 13 pages of frequently-asked questions about the data in EPDs.
These include: What is an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)? What is the purpose of an EPD? How are EPDs monitored? Where can I find EPD information for ERCO luminaires? What is the difference between the information on the data sheet and the EPD? What do declared unit and functional unit mean? How is the EPD structured? What EPD information is shown in the ERCO product data sheets? How is the EPD reference data converted?
There is an explanation of the exponential representation of decimal numbers in the EPD and it also contains a glossary of jargon words and a list of commonly used acronyms.
Erco has recently published EPDs for its product families. It is also rolling out its new eco-design protocol, which mandates that they be designed to last for a continuous operating time of 75,000 hours.
The first product to be made to the protocol is the latest generation of Optec spotlight.
Mounted on either on the classic Erco track or on the 48V Minirail 48V track, the family includes a large selection in various sizes and light distributions, colours and control. The housing, connections and joints may be replaced or removed individually, and every component is accessible – for example, for repairs due to external influences.
The 75,000 hour life corresponds to a service life of 20 years, presuming standard product use, compliance with maintenance intervals and a period of illumination of about ten hours per day.
• Download the guide HERE.
• Diary date: Circular Lighting Live 2024, Recolight’s flagship conference and exhibition, which takes place on Wednesday 9 October 2024 at the Royal College of Physicians in London. Free to specifiers, Circular Lighting Live 2024 will feature leading experts, specifiers and policy makers who will share their insights into forthcoming standards and legislation, emerging technologies and new business models. More info: