WEBINAR | BS8887: A game changing code of practice for remanufacturing
The newly published code of practice for remanufacture of lighting is expected to create a level playing field and to put it on a more formal and recognised footing.
Kevin Stubbs, a member of the BSI TPR/1/7/4 BS8887 committee, walks us through the final version and Simon Fisher, looks at its implications and impact on the growing remanufacturing sector in the lighting industry.
Speakers: Simon Fisher, F Mark, Kevin Stubbs, Nigel Harvey, CEO, Recolight Chairman: Ray Molony, Editor, Circular Lighting Report.
Key takeaways from our panel….
The new BSI code of practice gives both end users and remanufacturers the confidence that remanufactured product can be compliant and fit for purpose. That creates growing opportunities for those companies willing to get involved early. Nigel Harvey
The specification was developed over several years, including representatives from lighting manufacturers, luminaire designers, lighting designers, the Lighting Industry Association, and Recolight.
BS8887 is hugely to be welcomed as it codifies and validates the growing remanufacturing sector in lighting. Ray Molony
Remanufacturing will play a key role in carbon reduction and waste mitigation. It will not and should not replace new luminaires and all the innovation and best practice that will be embedded in new product design meant and Ecodesign. But, BS8887-221 will help to guide consistence and confidence in the process of remanufacturing, which should be embraced by manufacturers, end users and specifiers alike. Simon Fisher
Anyone involved in the process of remanufacturing should be aware of and follow the guidance of BS8887-221
- All scales and types of projects can be remanufactured within the guidance of this standard
- The scope of works must be developed and agreed by all parties and will require a survey needing skilled understanding of the practicalities and viability of remanufacturing.
Ray MolonyHead of content for Build Back Better Award
An award-winning technical journalist and a highly experienced event organiser, chairperson, webinar host and public speaker.
Ray Molony is the editor of the Circular Lighting Report, a Recolight initiative to inform the market of developments in sustainability in the industry. He’s also head of content at the Build Back Better Awards, an initiative to celebrate and reward environmental leadership, innovation, creativity and social purpose in the built environment, and the editor of Designing Lighting Global, a magazine for designers. He was co-founder of Lux magazine and the LuxLive exhibition. He’s also the award-winning author of the acclaimed book, Light: Re-Interpreting Architecture (Rotovision, 2014) which was translated into many languages. He studied engineering at Dublin City University.
Nigel HarveyChief Executive at Recolight
Nigel has worked in the Product Compliance Industry since 1990 in a variety of senior management roles covering marketing, business development, and operational management. Nigel joined Recolight as Chief Executive and Company Secretary in 2009. He is very active in both the lighting and WEEE sectors:
• Chair of the UK’s WEEE compliance scheme trade association, the WEEE Scheme Forum (WSF) since 2011, and a director of WSF Ltd since 2013.
• Nominated as a PCS guest to attend meetings of the Joint Trade Association (JTA) which works with producer trade associations including the LIA, to obtain a fair UK WEEE system. Has supported the JTA in the preparation of the proposals to operate the WEEE compliance fee which have been chosen by Defra in 7 of the last 8 years.
• Elected as a Director of EucoLight, the European trade association for lighting WEEE compliance schemes in 2015. Elected Vice President of EucoLight in 2017.
• Member of two BSI committees that include the review of WEEE treatment standards, and the development of a code of practice for the remanufacture of lighting equipment.
Nigel has published over 40 articles on WEEE and lighting over the last four years. He was named the first ever Lux Magazine Person of the year in 2012 and has been listed as one the UK’s 100 most influential people in the waste/resources industry for several years. He is also a climate activist. -
Simon FisherFounder & Director of F Mark
Simon Fisher is a renowned and multi-award-winning lighting product designer who has successfully delivered solutions for lighting OEMs all over the world. He is the Founder and Director of F Mark, a design consultancy specialising in the sustainable design, development and engineering of lighting products and associated systems.
Knowledge sharing and continuous development are core to Simon’s beliefs and he has participated in numerous webinars relating to product design, sustainability and the circular economy, subjects that he is very passionate about
In late 2021, Simon conceived what has become The Regen Initiative, a collective of companies with an aim to refurbish existing lighting over replacing with new, focussing on carbon and waste reduction by keeping existing lighting products in use for longer
Simon is a Fellow of the Society of Light and Lighting, is curator and presenter of the Recolight ‘Lighting Product Design for a Circular Economy’ and ‘Remanufacturing Lighting Products’ workshop programs
Kevin Stubbs FSLLFellow of the Society of Light & Lighting
Kevin Stubbs FSLL
Kevin has been an active member of the TPR1/7/4 committee that formulated the new BS8887- 221 standard for the repair and remanufacture of lighting products.
He has been in the lighting and controls industry for 45 years, involved at all levels in modified & bespoke luminaire design, retrofit and remanufactured solutions, lighting design and lighting control systems. He is keen to help set industry standards, sharing his knowledge and experience across the lighting and construction industry, as others have done for him during his career.
Kevin is a Fellow of the Society of Light And Lighting (FSLL)Committee Positions:-
o KMC (Knowledge Management Committee)
o Chair – TM66 Emergency Lighting GroupBSI
o BS 8887-221:2024 MADE Lighting Repair & Remanufacture for the Circular Economy (TPR1/7/4 Committee)
o Sep 2021 – presentLIA Technical Board
o Vice Chair – Connected Lighting Technical Committee
o Vice Chair – Building Regulations Technical Committee
o Member – Emergency Lighting Technical Committee (ICEL)
o Member – Sustainability Technical Committee
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