Consultation on proposed amendments to the 2013 WEEE Regulations – Open Scope

Implementation of open scope

The Government are considering how to best implement open scope and the new categories in the directive.  They present three options:

  1. Move to 6 categories
  2. Stay with current 14 categories (the Govt’s preferred option)
  3. Move to 6 categories, with 3 subcategories (LDA, PV, and cooling which do not contain refrigerants)

In all three options, lamps would remain in a separate category.

  • In options 1 and 3, luminaire producers would be required to report products >50cm and <50cm in different categories.
  • In option 2, luminaires would all be reported in one category, with no need to separately report large and small.

With household luminaires coming into scope as a part of the change, it is vital that the decision is right for the lighting industry.

Recolight recommendation for Open Scope

Recolight have carefully modeled the options.  That analysis shows option 2 will undoubtedly be the lowest cost for the lighting sector.  It also means luminaire producers will not need to distinguish between large and small product when reporting put on market figures to their scheme.

Recolight wholeheartedly support option 2, and will be encouraging our members to respond accordingly.

The consultation opened on 20 October 2017 and responses are invited by the 8 December 2017

To have your say, follow this link to the Defra Consultation website


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