Consultation on proposed amendments to the 2013 WEEE Regulations – Amendments to the UK WEEE system

The Government are two changes to the WEEE regulations

  1. To make membership of the PCS Balancing System (the PBS) mandatory.

Recolight support the proposal. Most WEEE schemes have joined the PBS, and we believe the few schemes that are not yet members, should join, to ensure that all schemes pay their fair share of Local Authority recycling costs.

2. To ensure that annual producer charges are paid to the environment agency of the nation (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland) in which the producer is domiciled.

Recolight support this proposal.  We think it is right that the producer registration WEEE fees, charged by the four environment agencies, should be allocated to the agency of the nation in which the producer is based.  Fees from producers based in Scotland should be allocated to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), fees from producers based in England should be allocated to the Environment Agency (EA), and so forth.  This is right, and should result in a fair distribution of funds between the four agencies.

The consultation opened on 20 October 2017 and responses are invited by the 8 December 2017

To have your say, follow this link to the Defra Consultation website


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