Recolight’s Net Zero Actions
Several actions are already underway to achieve our net zero goal.
Collection and delivery for lamps: Offering additional containers to our collection partners, thus reducing the number of visits needed to collect. Investigating trial of an electric mobile crushing vehicle..
Collection and delivery for luminaires: Reducing the distance travelled by using recyclers closer to the collection point.
Lamp treatment: The Recolight tender for lamp treatment now includes additional areas for assessment.
- Adaptation: space heating/cooling, energy source, energy efficiency measures, plastics, no distillation of powders.
- Mitigation: preparation for flooding, power failures, heatwaves, superstorms etc.
Luminaire treatment: Recolight are leading an industry working group on net zero for the WEEE sector.
Influencing: Recolight’s plans for net zero were presented to EucoLight members at the annual conference in May.