New appointments to Recolight Board of Directors

Recolight, the leading WEEE compliance scheme for lighting, is pleased to announce the appointment of Robert Sprott of Signify to the Recolight Board and Andreas Adam of LEDVANCE as Chair of the Board. Recolight was established in 2005 by Tungsram lighting, Feilo Sylvania, LEDVANCE and Signify,...

New legislation for lamps and light fittings

New lighting regulations

New UK lighting legislation is due for publication in the summer and will mirror EU legislation. The proposed UK legislation applies from 1st September and is expected to have a one month transition allowance. Lamps which cannot be placed on the market From  1st October 2021 Self-ballasted...

WEEE containing POPs must be sent to a specialist waste electricals recycler


The plastic in most waste electricals, apart from streetlighting, contain hazardous flame retardants.  That means it is an offence to try to recycle them as scrap metal. They must be sent to a specialist waste electricals recycler. The flame retardants in question are regarded as...

How to go net zero - A lighting manufacturer’s guide _ Lighting for a Circular Economy_Recolight Webinar 27 May 2021

How can the lighting industry become Net Zero?

The next Recolight Webinar on 27 May will discuss how the lighting industry can move to net zero. An increasing number of companies have committed to it. A few have already got there.. Others are planning it. So what must a lighting company do to become...

Replaceable lighting_April 2021_Recolight webinar series_Lighting and the Circular Economy SUMMARY

Lighting industry broadly welcomes Ecodesign legislation

Recolight panel discussion  The lighting industry has broadly welcomed new legislation which seeks to bring back the replaceable light source. However, many had concerns over how the market for replacement components would work in practice. Over 150 attendees from across the industry tuned in to listen to...

WEEE and how to dispose of responsibly

How to dispose of your waste electrical & electronic items responsibly

In the UK there is an increased awareness of the need to recycle to protect our environment. Business customers are increasingly adopting corporate social responsibility and environmental policies.  This  means they will want to be confident that their waste is being disposed of correctly. Contractors...

Wholesalers and WEEE recycling

Wholesalers & benefit of offering a WEEE recycling service

An increased awareness of the need to recycle to protect our environment has seen many businesses adopting corporate social responsibility and environmental policies. This means they will want to be confident that their waste is being disposed of correctly. Electrical distributors and wholesalers who can demonstrate...

Recolight webinar series for 2021_Lighting and the circular economy

Lighting and the Circular Economy

Announcing Recolight’s webinar series for 2021 Recolight have announced a new Circular Economy webinar series for 2021.  It will build on the events held in 2020, and the progress being made by the lighting industry. All webinars will be chaired by Ray Molony who said: “It’s vital...
