hands with cash and a hand with a light

Lighting firms to buy back lights

A RAFT OF lighting manufacturers are now offering to purchase luminaires after use. The Austrian architectural luminaire manufacturer Georg Bechter Licht has become the latest to offer a buy back service. It will take back its System Dot 28 range, pictured,  for €5 at the end...

Jesmond United Reform Church in Newcastle

Church lighting refurb proves you can have it all

A LIGHTING refurbishment project in the north of England has proved that by reusing the original luminaires, you can provide cost savings, quality improvements and environmental gains as well as better margins for the supplier. The track-and-spot lighting at the imposing Grade II listed Jesmond United...

LightingEurope secretary general Ourania Georgoutsakou

LightingEurope backs PEP ecopassports

LIGHTINGEUROPE has joined the PEP Association, developer of the PEP ecopassport environmental declaration programme. The move is being seen as backing for the organisations life cycle assessment model, which has product specific rules for luminaires. In a statement, LightingEurope said: ‘As part of our activities in sustainability,...

lighting modules

Recolight workshops in Lighting product design for a Circular Economy

Recolight announce new series of workshops to help manufacturers embed circular economy principles in the design of lighting products. The one day in-person workshops will describe circular economy standards and specifications that companies can use to show the circularity of their products.  They will also provide...

The Circular Economy of Lighting - Recolight webinar

Recolight announce Circular Economy webinars for 2022

Recolight have confirmed dates for five new webinars in 2022, aimed at helping the lighting industry adopt circular economy principles. The webinars this year seek to move the focus from what needs to be done, to what’s actually being done now. Together with Ray Molony, who...

Recolight WEEE Compliance Member badge

Recolight announce record Membership growth for WEEE compliance

During 2021, a total of 19 companies joined the Recolight WEEE scheme.  And from the beginning of 2022, another eight companies joined Recolight, five of which transferred from other schemes. The five companies transferring their compliance are TRILUX Lighting Ltd, C.U. Phosco Lighting Ltd, Urbis Schreder...
